Employee Programming &
Team Building
From working together, to assembling kits, to learning how to teach one yourselves
We love making the bonds between your team members stronger through STEAM.
Are you looking for a fun way to engage your team? At Child Creativity Lab, we can work with you to create a customized team building event for your organization.
We provide your team with exciting STEAM challenges, like Zipline Carrier Challenge where your employees can partner together and race each other to see who has the fastest carrier
Learn how to teach a kit to community groups in your area
Come into our depot to assemble kits
Provide an activity on-site for employee children at an event like Take Your Child to Work Day
Provide family activity at a company function.
Could be a hands-on activity in-person at an event or a kit/giveaway to send home.
Whatever you’re looking for, contact Tiffany, our Director of Operations at tiffanyhayden@childcreativitylab.org
“We loved having Child Creativity Lab at our office and completing their Zip Line Carrier Challenge. Even our office curmudgeon got into the fun.
We can’t wait to have you back next year!”